Sunday, December 29, 2019
3 Reasons No One Answers Your Questions- The Muse
3 Reasons No One Answers Your Questions- The Muse3 Reasons No One Answers Your Questions- The MuseIts bedrngnislage true that the only reason someone would ask a question is for an answer. (I know, its sounding a little, Why did the chicken cross the road? but bear with me for a minute.) Sometimes people speak up to be seen, to look engaged, to make a point, or even just to hear themselves talk. And thats helpful to keep in mind, especially if youve started noticing that your questions arent getting the response youre looking for. It could be that you genuinely need more information, but because of how youre expressing yourself, the other person doesnt know that and assumes youre just asking for the reasons I listed above.So, if you feel like youre being dismissed, see if one of the reasons below could be to blame.1. You Include Too Much Other InformationIts true If you stop by someones desk or shoot her an email that simply says, What do you think? shell probably have no idea what y oure referring to. But a more common problem is erring too far on the other extreme. You lead with a two-minute speech on every single idea youve had for a recent project or forward a lengthy email chain with two attachments. Then you end with a question.Instead of viewing your summation as helpful context, or pouring over the emails before providing the exact guidance you need, the other person checks out along the way and replies, Sure- which you then have to decipher.To avoid this frustrating outcome, cut your message down whenever you can. See if theres anything you can delete or shorten, and also look for places where you can add parentheses or links with an offer to share more- so the other person can opt in for (or out of) additional info. If you need to include lengthy details, try bookending. Rather than saving your question for the end, lead with the fact that its coming. It sounds like this I could use some advice on my latest project, because Im not sure what the next st ep would be. By telling the other person to expect a question, youve prepared him to listen (or read) critically and respond. Now, he knows your goal isnt just to share a status update, but that youd like an answer.2. Youre Not Actually Asking AnythingThis culprit is somewhat similar to the one above. This time, youre providing way too much information on the front end, but- lets be honest- its intentional. Youd never dream of cutting down your explanation or focusing the other person the answer, because you really just want to share. Maybe you want an excuse to introduce yourself to the audience at a presentation, so you discuss at length who you are and why youre there- and then ask the speaker something she pretty much already answered. Maybe youre feeling inspired and you want to share what someones idea made you think of or how it relates to your life and work. And while its understandable, it doesnt make a positive impression. Its pretty clear that you actually just want an ex cuse to lecture or vent or be seen, and unfortunately, when the time comes that you have a real inquiry, you may not be called on again. If youre not trying to steal the spotlight, rather you just have a half-baked idea, give yourself an extra minute to process. If you speak up before youre sure what youre really asking, the info you get in return may not be that helpful anyway. So, take the time to drill down to what you need to know, and if the other person has moved on say, I had a question on an earlier item If you feel like this would disrupt a new train of conversation, write it down and follow up later over email The speaker will be complemented he left you thinking about what he said 3. You Rarely Take the Advice Youre GivenPart of being a good friend is knowing that sometimes someone will ask your advice only to ignore it, and its your job to love her anyways. Theres no such understanding in the office. I mean, yes, you expect your colleagues and boss know that sometimes yo ull ask for their opinions and after consideration youll go a different route. But if you routinely ask questions- and then ignore what the other person suggests- it makes sense hed stop sharing his advice.Thats because thoughtful answers take work. They take active listening and consideration and creative thinking. And each of us has only so much of that to go around on a given afternoon. So, if someone takes the time to give you feedback- and the end result is the same as if youd never spoken- it makes sense that the next time you come by for a brainstorming session, shes suddenly really busy.So, be honest about your goals. Just like bookending is really helpful when you have a question, it can also save a lot of time and frustration all around when you dont. If you start by saying, Im pretty sure I know what direction Id like to take this project, but Id love to run my thinking by you the other person knows your mind is pretty much made up. This feels a lot less like a bait-and-s witch than having someone answer a list of questions create a new strategy for you only to end with, I think Im going to stick with my way- but thanks Now, shes on the same page that a new perspective may shift your plan (but it probably wont).You probably ask enough questions over the course of a day that youre not going to be strategic about every single one. (And thats OK.) However, if youre desperate to get better answers, you may find putting a little extra thought into how you go about it will make a big difference.
Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Understanding the Strong Mayor Form of Government
Understanding the Strong Mayor Form of GovernmentUnderstanding the Strong Mayor Form of GovernmentThe strong-mayor form of government is headed by amayor who serves as a citys chief executive and a city council, its legislative body.For it to be considered a strong mayor system, the mayor receives administrative authority and a significant degree of independence. He or she can appoint and dismiss staff at city hall, including department heads without consulting the city council or receiving public approval. Characteristics of a Strong Mayor The mayor serves as the chief executive officer of the city. While there may be some city-specific exceptions, all city staff ultimately report to the mayor. In some cities, the mayor has veto authority over actions taken by the city council. In a strong mayor system, as its chief executive, he or she prepares the city budget, which usually has to be approved by the city council. Usually, the mayors chief of staff wields a great deal of power, overseeing department heads and helping prepare the city budget. Most large American cities have a strong mayor version of the mayor-city council system. Smaller cities may lean mora toward a council-manager system, where the council holds more power collectively.Advocates of thecouncil-managersystem point out that, under the strong mayor system, interest groups can accomplish their goals by influencing the mayor rather than convincing a majority of city council members Role of City Council The city council adopts legislation under the city governments authority as granted by state law and allowed under the city charter. Precisely how council members are elected varies by city. City council members may be elected at large, from single-member districts or in some combination. Some city councils have the right to approve high-level city staff appointments. In a weak-mayor system, the mayor has no formal authority outside the council its largely a ceremonial role. A weak mayor can t hire or fire without council approval (in some cases, the mayor cant hire at all), and has no vote on matters of city business. In this type of government, the mayoralty is mainly driven by charisma and personality he or she does a lot of the public-facing parts of the job, such as cutting ceremonial ribbons and presenting oversized checks. Weak mayors are usually found in smaller towns and cities since their budgets tend to be smaller and issues tend to be less complex than those of their larger counterparts. Such municipalities may have few or no full-time employees. Role of the Manager Unlike the council-manager form of government, cities with the strong mayor form of government usually donthave a city manager. Department heads report directly to the mayor. A chief of staff may serve as the mayors right-hand person in dealing with the day-to-day operations of the city so that the mayor may have a more external focus. The chief of staff is sometimes referred to as the city m anager and often abroll-container-transport-system as a check on the mayors power, especially in weak mayoral systems.
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Best and Worst Excuses for Being Late to Work
Best and Worst Excuses for Being Late to WorkBest and Worst Excuses for Being Late to WorkSometimes, you just cant help being late for work. Stuff happens, things go wrong, and it can be hard to get out of the house to arrive at work in a timely manner. It happens to alfruchtwein everyone at one time or abedrngnisher, so be prepared to handle it appropriately. Depending on your manager, it might not matter or it could be a big deal. There are lots ofexcuses for missing work, either for taking a day off or for coming in late. Some excuses are legitimate, such as when a babysitter cancels at the last minute, you or a family member are sick, or your car doesnt start. Other excuses, however, are just too bizarre or inappropriate. Even if youve run out of excuses, there are some reasons that you shouldnt use when youre telling your boss why youre running late. Best Excuses for Being Late to Work Asurveyconducted byCareerBuilderreports on the most common excuses employees provide for b eing late for work. Traffic, sleep schedules, and weather conditions are the top three. Being tired and forgetful round out the top five reasons for being tardy. Traffic - 51%Oversleeping - 31%Bad weather - 28%Too tired to get up - 23%Forgetting something-13% Other excuses that work well include having an appointment, a sick child, a school delay, car trouble, mass transit delays, a family emergency or illness, house problems, or waiting for a service person for repairs. Strange Excuses Not to Use There were also some strange excuses in this years survey.Even though they are creative, these excuses probably wont work withyourbossormanager. Its too cold to work.I had morning sickness (it welches a man).My coffee was too hot and I couldnt leave until it cooled off.An astrologer warned me of a car accident on a major highway, so I took all backroads, making me an hour late.My dog ate my work schedule.I was here, but I fell asleep in the parking lot.My fake eyelashes were stuckverzi erung together.Although it has been five years, I forgot I did not work at my former employers location and drove there by accident. More Bizarre Excuses Other excuses reported in an earlier survey were asequally weird Employee claimed a zebra was running down the highway and held up traffic (turned out to be true).Employee woke up on the front lawn of a house two blocks away from his home.Employees cat got stuck in the toilet.Employee couldnt eat breakfast he ran out of milk for cereal and had to buy some before getting ready for work.Employee was late to work because he fell asleep in the car when he got to work.Employee accidentally put superglue in her eye instead of contact lens solution and had to go to the emergency room. Employee thought Halloween was a work holiday.Employee said a hole in the roof caused rain to fall on the alarm clock and it didnt go off.Employee was watching something on TV and really wanted to see the end.Employee forgot that the company had changed locations.Employee got a hairbrush stuck in her hair.Employee was scared by a nightmare. When Excuses Dont Work Even though you think it might be acceptable to be late once in a while, your boss might not agree. The majority of employers (60 percent) say theyexpect employees to be on time every day, and 43 percent have fired someone for being late, up from 41 percent last year. If youre late on a regular basis, figure out how you can change your morning routine so you can make it to work on time. It could be as simple as showering at night instead of inthe morning, getting up 15 minutes earlier, taking a train thats a few minutes earlier than you usually do, or packing your lunch the evening before. Tips for Giving Excuses When Youre RunningLate If you have run out ofexcuses, think twice before you decide to get creative. Before you consider using one of these creative excuses, keep in mind the following advice about giving excuses for missing work Let your boss know ASAPIf you know inadvancethatyou will need to take a personal day, let your boss know in person orvia emailas soon as possible. If it is a last-minute decision, contact your boss as early in the morning as you can. If possible, offer to come in early or stay late to make up for some of the hours lost. Be (mostly) honestThere is a good chance that a bald-faced lie to your supervisor, colleagues, or clients will come back to bite you. Its not always easy to remember what you said to whom, and getting caught in a lie is not good for job security. Some employers also follow up with employees to see whether they are lying. Therefore, if you can, be honest about why you are missing work or coming in late. Dont overshareAn overly detailed excuse might sound fake, even if it isnt. And if you are missing work for a reason you cannot share with your boss for example, if you areinterviewing for another job you can keep the interview secret without lying. A simple excuse for example, saying you hav e an appointment (which you do) will be honest without raising questions. While honesty is often the best policy, always keep your excuse simple, and dont go into detail. Use excuses sparinglyThings happen that are out of our control we get sick, we get a flat tire, our childs school cancels. However, try your best to excuse yourself from work onlywhen absolutely necessary otherwise, your employer and co-workers mayconsider you unreliable. Be thoughtful about when you skip workIf it is at all in your control to select when you skip work such aswhen you have a doctors appointment try to plan a time when your absence will not be so perceptible. You might try to make the appointment at the beginning of the day, or toward the end of the day, so you are still at work for a solid few hours. Whenever possible, try to come in early or stay late to make up for the lost time.
Saturday, December 14, 2019
9 terribly chic items for planting and gardening (at home or in the office)
9 terribly chic items for planting and gardening (at home or in the office)9 terribly chic items for planting and gardening (at home or in the office)The growing season is here, and its time for a new desk plant which will need its own watering can and spritzer, of course or an assortment of gardening tools for your home. But you dont want these things to be dowdy. After all, whats sexy about a black rubber hose or a watering can thats fit for your grandma? Plenty, as it turns out hoses are shiny hot-pink now and with matching nozzles.Gardening gloves come in silver or gold, and the humble watering can is worthy of prizes in industrial design. Follow Ladders guide to looking chic while brightening up your desk or your backyard with greenery.For your gardenGarden GloryHot-pink garden hoseWhoa Your husband will freak out when he comes home and sees that youve installed a hot pink garden hose with matching nozzles,hung on decorative wall mounts but who really does all the watering around here anyway? The PVC hose comes in a sortiment of colors, doesnt kink, and is protected from sun exposure so yes, itll stay that color for years. Garden Glory, a Swedish company, has been anobject of attentionrecently for its fashion-forward garden designs.$99, Garden GloryFollow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreWilliams-SonomaFloral garden prunersPruning, a thankless task, will be so much more enjoyable with these floral-patterned pruners. (The task will also be easier with the carbon-steel blades.) A note about the charming print the wallpaper pattern was designed in 1877 for Londons Victoria Albert Museum.$24.95, Williams-SonomaGarden GlorySilver metallic gardening glovesYou wont want to get these silver gardening gloves dirty. Luckily, you wont have to. Made out of stretchy synthetic leather, the material makes them dirt and water repellent. If youre not into pewter, they come in gold, too.$59, Garden GloryGarden GloryDiamond watering canIs one supposed to use this watering can this particular color is called Ros as a decorative object, or to actually water plants? Luckily, this multifaceted object doesnt make you choose.$49, Garden GloryWilliams-SonomaRattan tool basketThat old quilted cotton bag overstuffed with gardening tools has got to go. This peddigrohr basket holds it all, does double duty with pockets and adorable ties for your tools on the outside, and is much more pleasing to the eye.$39.95, Williams-SonomaFor your deskWilliams-SonomaIndoor watering canThis lightweight, indoor copper watering can from Williams-Sonoma, when placed on your desk, will let everyone know you mean business. Its by Haws, a brand that has been a mainstay in English gardens since 1886, and is meant for tending to indoor plants.$89.95, Williams-SonomaTargetDesktop plant misterMany plants love to be misted study up on yours to see if its one of them and this sty lish desktop glass plant mister with a brass nozzle from Smith and Hawken looks like something out of a chemistry lab.$14.99, TargetThe SillDesktop watering canAnother, more affordable style of desktop watering can one with fewer frills but just as attractive is this small teal number from online plant purveyor The Sill. While youre on the site, order up a new desk plant if youre in the mood. They also have their own version of a plant mister, which is printed on one side with the words, Plant people have more bright ideas.$8, The SillLeGrowMagic plant clockNow, you can have your desktop plants and you can have your clock all in one. No batteries necessary, because the clock runs operates on energy generated from the chemical reaction between metal electrodes and wet soil. The only thing you need to provide is a plant.$39.95, LeGrow
Monday, December 9, 2019
The Personel Resume Chronicles
The Personel Resume Chronicles Then, the Writer will speak with you about your accomplishments. When you have backed up your skills, youre prepared to conclude your resume. Then youll move on to other resume examples that tell you just how to present your educational info and any special skills youve got. Our resume examples can make certain youre prepared in the event you receive a referral.You might also see how to compose a summary. Chiropractic services appear to be included successfully within military and veteran medical care facilities. Background checks are occasionally necessary for employment of a nanny. They are sometimes required for babysitters. Key Pieces of Personel Resume Resume writing isnt simple, and there are numerous diverse opinions on the best way to do it. A relevant resume sample is a practical tool that could supply you with formatting and writing ideas as you construct your own resume. If youre getting prepared to get started writing your skill s information, you can wonder where you should begin. Understanding how to tailor your resume will obviously offer you an advantage. Lastly, the work seeker should supply the military rank, or the maximum rank achieved at minimum. Regardless of the degree of position youre applying for, you will want to have a skilled and well-written resume. Your main concern should be the level of your references and recommendations from previous employers, since they can make or break your chances. With the right resume objective, you may properly underline the strengths you need to offer as a prospective employee and why youre the appropriate fit for the function. Cv example very imperative that you know how to offer yourself in the very best approach to an employer. Job seekers deserve to locate decent content quickly. Writing your resume can be an extremely intimidating experience. Transportation jobs involve a lot of responsibility and your resume will want to reflect you can take ca re of that. For warehousing, the extra skills section is generally more important than the education section. You must also chat about past experience. Writing a strong application is a difficult procedure and we would like to make it simpler. Pick the greatest creative site template and produce your portfolio seem unique. For instance, list coursework in culinary management if you intend to work in catering or a different personal service field that may include cooking or serving food. If youre making a more general personal summary with a particular job title in mind, remember to highlight achievements that will make you standout in the area. There are lots of skills a veteran picks up during their service that are extraordinarily valuable to employers, but understanding how to phrase them on a civilian resume is a bit tricky. Writing a resume for employment in the art industry can be difficult. To be a prosperous job candidate in any area, it can help to have a comprehensiv e resume. Before you even consider applying for employment, you should realize you will be among the interested and qualified candidates fro the position. There are likely to be a number of distinctive candidates, which usually means you should find a way to be noticed. Since the education and training necessary for fitness trainers and instructors varies dependent on his or her specialty, its vital to make your certifications clear on a resume too. If youre writing a CV as you are asking for a particular job, you may use the job specifications to make your summary. Dont forget that your resume is your very first line of defense in regards to landing your ideal job. NEW Vcard is an ideal CV, modern and creative, it makes it possible to receive the best jobs. Use the in depth job description at to assist you. Consider broadening your precise skills into abilities a business would discover useful. Target your statements directly for the position you want and the requirements of the business. Then keep these must-haves in mind while you customize the resume for your business enterprise experience. Various kinds of work in the food service industry require resumes with several of the exact same skills.
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Writing a Resume Book - Author Abd Year - What Is It?
Writing a Resume Book - Author Abd Year - What Is It? The Foolproof Writing a Resume Book - Author Abd Year Strategy Picking the very best books to read can be rather difficult because different individuals have different tastes in regards to books. Your author bio isnt where to tell your entire life story. Though there are various thoughts on how best to compose the title of the books properly, the most important issue is to be consistent with one style through the entire essay. For instance, the author states the single most important facet of a resume is to demonstrate passion. The Basics of Writing a Resume Book - Author Abd Year To tell an editor or agent the sort of manuscript youve written. The book also has sound resume writing advice depending on the secrets of professional resume writers. Which usually means youre prepared to implement the 3 steps that will deliver an engaging and efficient book introduction. Book reports concentrate on the plot of the book. Yo u have within the next calendar year. When you have established that habit, you have produced a foundation which will enable you to write far more the subsequent year. Most people who decide they need to compose a book fail since they try to do too much in too little timeframe. On top of that, at the conclusion of the calendar year, you will have a book written and youre going to have the skill-set in place to write as many more as you need to later on. The Battle Over Writing a Resume Book - Author Abd Year and How to Win It Use the spreadsheet to keep tabs on the Magical Elements, who uses them, and the way theyre used in your work-in-progress. An advertising plan details the approach you plan to take to market your book. Authors have several tools at their fingertips to help in the introduction of memes. Such a writing prompt needs a persuasive fashion of writing. The Secret to Writing a Resume Book - Author Abd Year You may earn as many as 2 CEUs per book review. A boo k review isnt the very same as a book file, and the distinction will be reached between them both. It is a totally different task. It gives the opinions of the writer and includes his personal views. But What About Writing a Resume Book - Author Abd Year? Although its not a story book, 4 year olds would prefer the few words on each and every page and theyd love the lovely pictures. Theres a mysterious twist that will cause you to read page after page. The author delivers practical and easy-to-follow advice and numerous samples that demonstrate every one of her tips in action. Be certain to mention anything noticeable, like a cover story. If you like to read, at some point youll want to share a book you love with other people. Theres a good deal of advice about ways to compose a book. It is, though, a great exercise to compile a plan for yourself, to comprehend what you could do in order to promote yourself and your book. If you think yourself a do-it-yourself-er there ar e a whole lot of great books on the marketplace that could help you craft a compelling and visually distinct document.
Saturday, November 30, 2019
The Secret to How to List Skills on a Resume
The Secret to How to List Skills on a Resume Details of How to List Skills on a Resume Therefore, if you come to an interview, the absence of Soft Skills may be one reason you werent chosen for the job. A Functional Resume or Skills Resume is intended to highlight your abilities and accomplishments on top of your resume instead of grouping them below the jobs or positions you have held as in a chronological resume. If you think skills are wanted in the job which youre applying for, make certain to include them to your resume. Your skills are an overview of what you could do for the possible employer if you were offered the work at the moment. Resumes may be used for a number of reasons, but fruchtwein often theyre utilized to secure new employment. They are vital to the job hunt. They usually tend to be longer than the required standard. They may be organized in different ways. The placement of your skills section is also a rather important matter to take into account. A Ke y Skills section, on the flip side, is listed at the very top of a resume. Read through it a couple of occasions and youll probably spot three or four vital skills mentioned repeatedly throughout the document. Technical skills are either something youve got or you dont, but theyre always something which you are able to learn. Because your skill section is merely a list of the absolute most useful job skills, there isnt any need to write in sentences here. The very first issue to do is to thoroughly read through each work description and to recognize the necessary technical skills. Regardless of what your age, and however much experience that you have, you need to always be ready to learn a new skill or technique. Each word on your resume can be a trigger for a question via an interviewer, and youll frequently be requested to provide examples of the skills which youve referenced. Technical skills are essentially inclined to the abilities of the man and the knowledge he or she h as acquired to do the work given to them. Functional resumes are excellent for highlighting transferable skills which are applicable to your new field of work.Soft abilities, on the flip side, arent simple to quantify. They are the skills that apply to every job. Your hard and soft skills combine to make your distinctive skillset. On the flip side, soft abilities, also called interpersonal or social abilities, are those that you have as personal qualities or you get through professional experiences. Do not write what you would like in work. Wherever you opt to place your skills on your resume, be certain to tailor your list of skills to the specific job. Skills If there are a number of forms of skills which are important to the job which youre applying for, you can include several skills list in your resume. Its possible to add additional technical skills that might or might not be regarding the job to reveal the selection of work you may provide. If youre interested in tur ning in an application for a particular job, review the post carefully and observe the list of skill requirements. You will be able to write an outstanding cover letter by doing the next. Moreover, your letter for resume must have professional look and it ought to be informative. The resume cover letter must not be excessively wordy. Get the knaller on How to List Skills on a Resume Before Youre Too Late Most jobs require that you have a fundamental comprehension of computer programs including Excel and Microsoft Office, along with skills in www navigation, social networking sites and email systems. If you take advantage of a template, find one which puts qualifications in an area that will get noticed. There are three kinds of resumes, each with its own benefits and pitfalls. Just dont forget to double-check whether adding social media to your particular resume is proper for the job Even when youre not applying for a management position, youll still will need to demonstrate to employers you have the capacity to motivate and lead others in order to reach common objectives. Possessing the capability to communicate in person is crucial, but having the capacity to communicate via technology is an expanding hot commodity in the current workplace. Maybe you were lucky to land a great job in a good company that knows the way to look after its employees. 1 advantage for employers to internet resumes is the considerable cost saving in contrast to traditional hiring methods. The Pain of How to List Skills on a Resume Some skills are universal irrespective of the position youre seeking, while some will be career specific. Make all facets of your resume as clear as possible to demonstrate you have great communication abilities. As stated earlier, assessing soft skills is a lot more difficult. Exceptional people skills are an essential portion of what makes you such a standout employee whod be an asset to any company that offers you an opportunity to shine.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Skipping meals Youre missing out on breakfast benefits
Skipping meals Youre missing out on breakfast benefitsSkipping meals Youre missing out on breakfast benefitsWith the rise of intermittent fasting, skipping meals is becoming trendy. There is proof that choosing to leid eat meals does indeed help you meet exercise goals. But does skipping breakfast actually help your body? The verdict is still out. Some fasters choose to forego it. Fasting dieter and neuroscientistMark Mattson said he has not had one in 35 years and he claims to not miss itIm not hungry at all in the morning, and this is other peoples experience as well. Its just a matter of getting adapted to it, he told the New York Times.But before you scrap eating omelets and oatmeal in the morning forever, remember that research still finds health benefits to eating breakfast that you may miss.The case for not skipping breakfastWhen you eat breakfast, you are doing your brain a favor. It improves your memory. High energy intake from breakfast had a beneficial effect on immediate recall in short-term memory evaluated, researchers testing teenagers found. It may even get you moving more. A study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that a morning meal was linked to higher physical activity thermogenesis in lean adults.And above all, it helps keep our bodies stable. We are better able to control our blood sugar level and metabolism earlier in the day.One study found that breakfast skippers had bigger spikes in blood sugar levels.For all you fasters, you may want to rethink which meal you want to sacrifice to your weight-loss god. If youre picking between eating a large breakfast or a large dinner, you may want to pick the former.When we eat a large meal at breakfast, our bodies can handle it really well. So when it comes to intermittent-fasting regimens, I think the ones that are going to show the most promise moving forward are the ones where the food consumption is in the daytime,Dorothy Sears, the associate director of the Center for Circadia n Biology at UCSD notes.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
How to Cut Small Talk and Get to the Point Faster - The Muse
How to Cut Small Talk and Get to the Point Faster - The MuseHow to Cut Small Talk and Get to the Point Faster If youve ever been asked for a favor, you probably know the pointless small talk conversation that leads up to the ask. Im sure Im elend the only one whos scheduled a coffee meeting for something that could have been just as easily dealt with in three emails. Or wasted hours on back-and-forth emailing when a phone call with an explicit question wouldve been a heck of a lot quicker. As a designer who regularly takes on side work, its hard for me to decipher which projects are worth taking- for a variety of reasons. A potential client might have a cheap price point, a tight deadline, or not even know exactly what hes asking for. And while he negotiates those details aloud, our conversation slows to a crawl.When its obvious someones taking his time with his ask, I sometimes wish I could boldly say Just tell me what you want But lets be honest I dont want to come off as abrupt or cold, so I let the conversation inch its way forward. But what if there was a way you could get to the good stuff without being so brusque? As Marc Khlbrugge points out in this short piece on Medium, the majority of cases can be handled with just one question. According to him, you only need these four words to take a conversational shortcut, skip to the good part, and get things done How can I help? This is a clever move for two reasons. One, youre genuinely offering to help, which allows you to be both polite and forthright. And two, the question forces the person to articulate what exactly he wants- so you can know immediately if you can do the favor for him or not (and where to go from there).And aside from the extra of skipping all the small talk, trying out this question has also saved me phone calls and in-person meetings- during which I would have reached the same conclusions anyway. This question gets to the meat of the problem, which means someone like me, who needs all t he details to do a good job, can rest assured she wont be cutting any corners or risk leaving important information on the table. Do you use any conversation shortcuts you use to save yourself time? Tweet me your ideas at caroqliu
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